Article 117 Anyone who encroaches on the property of the state, a collective or another person shall return the property; failing that, he shall reimburse its estimated price. 第一百一十七条侵占国家的、集体的财产或者他人财产的,应当返还财产,不能返还财产的,应当折价赔偿。
The name is followed by a price-quote element and the corresponding state is in a price in a vendor in a price-list. name后面是一个price-quote元素,相应的状态是位于price-list的vendor的price内。
The state policy of purchasing grain at a protected price has effectively secured the interests of farmers. 国家保护价粮食收购政策有效保障了农民的利益。
Anyone who damages the property of the state, a collective or another person shall restore the property to its original condition or reimburse its estimated price. 损坏国家的、集体的财产或者他人财产的,应当恢复原状或者折价赔偿。
The state airlines immediately began a price war. 国有航空公司随即开始了价格战。
However, currently the state only limits the maximum prices of gasoline and diesel, but allows a further price reduction in retail sales in a curtain margin. 不过,目前国家只限制汽柴油的最高价,允许一定程度的降价销售。
The state negotiated a price when the cost of power was near its recent peak and locked it in for20 years. 夏威夷州已商讨过电力的成本问题,电力成本目前已经达到最近的至高点,并且在未来的20年会继续上涨。
After protracted negotiations with the state auction bureau to buy a small, high-quality vineyard in Hebei, the company could not agree on a price for the acquisition. 此前,为购买河北一座高质量小型葡萄园,他们曾与中国官方拍卖机构进行过反复磋商,但ASC无法接受最后收购价。
Scheduling agreements are similar to quantity contracts in that they state the target quantity of a material to be ordered from a vendor over a period of time, as well as the price. 计划协议类似于数量合同:它表明在一段时间内要从供应商订购物料的目标数量和价格。
The act prohibits parties from bringing state law claims against airlines that relate to a "price, route, or service" of the carrier, according to court documents. 该法禁止对航空公司“价格,路线,或服务”的载体,涉及到国家法律索赔的当事人,根据法庭文件。
The state legislature responded by passing a bill allowing the regulators to consider factors other than price. 该州立法机关立即通过一项法案,允许监管部门将其他因素列入考虑范围,而不是只看重价格。
If the state puts a price on carbon it will trigger hundreds of millions of dollars of investment, says Mr Roland-Holst. 如果加州给碳排放标上价格,将会引发上亿美元的投资,罗兰-霍尔斯特表示。
State Development Planning Commission recently issued a circular to raise gas, diesel and ex-factory price. 国家发展计划委员会近日发出通知,决定提高汽、柴油出厂价和零售中准价。
The State institutes a report schedule for real estate transacted price. 国家实行房地产成交价格申报制度。
To state ( a price) for securities, goods, or services. accounting and reporting for investments in marketing securities 报价报出有价证券、商品或服务项目(价格)有价证券投资会计和报告
State Space Computation of a Price Time Petri Net 一种价格时间Petri网的状态空间计算
On the basis of defining the operating state of grain price, this thesis constructs a cybernetics model for grain price early warning and analyzes the structure of regulation system of grain price. 笔者在对粮食价格运行状态的类型进行界定的基础上,构建了粮食价格预警的控制论模型,分析了粮食价格调控系统的构成。
The paper analyzes the problems existing in the management of state assets of universities and puts forward the following countermeasures: establishing a sound administrative authorities, improving the classified management system and building up an internal price system. 文章在分析高校国有资产管理普遍存在的问题,提出了在高校建立健全国有资产管理机构,建立国有资产分类管理制度,建立国有资产使用内部价格制度等对策。
To solve this problem, the State introduced a number of measures including coal and electricity price linkage. 针对此问题,国家推出了包括煤电价格联动在内的多项措施。
Once the transaction fails, the risks it produce would bring domino effect, the spreading of these risks could make finance sector and the state bear a high price. 一旦交易失败风险暴露会带来多米诺骨牌效应,风险的迅速蔓延会让金融业乃至国家经济承担巨大的代价。
Comprehensive evaluation of a piece of land or a piece of land in a right state at a specified price process. 综合评定出某块土地或多块土地在某一权利状态下某一时点的价格的过程。